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Value Selling
Introduction to the Value Selling Course
Welcome to The Value Selling Course (4:42)
Whiteboard Value Selling eBook Download
How I Discovered Value Selling (7:22)
Early Sales Cycle - Uncovering Needs Using The Whiteboard Methodology
Worksheet Download For Uncovering Needs Using The Whiteboard Methodology
The Structure of the Whiteboard (8:45)
Whiteboard Non Business Example (7:22)
Develop Great Questioning Skills (12:16)
Whiteboard Business Example (7:06)
Building Rapport (13:03)
Build your own whiteboard (11:53)
Developing the deal - Uncovering Value
Worksheet download for Developing the Deal Uncovering Value
What is Value ? (7:20)
Understanding REAL Business Value ? (6:45)
Using the Whiteboard to Uncover Value (7:45)
Building up Value on YOUR Whiteboard (10:19)
The Power of Story Telling
Download Worksheet for Story Telling
Develop storytelling skills to transform your selling (19:03)
Building a "Win - Win" plan with your Account or Prospect
Introduction to Account Management and Planning (2:24)
Worksheet for Qualification
Qualification - which deals to work on (9:03)
Building Great Relationships (8:31)
Building a plan with your customer or prospect (16:28)
Whitespace Mapping (6:14)
Understanding the Competition (11:48)
Worksheet for Account Management and Planning
Closing The Deal - Foundational Sales Skills
Download Worksheet for Closing the Deal - Foundational Sales Skills
Handling Objections (14:30)
Negotiating Skills - The 6 Rules (10:19)
Negotiating Skills - Preparation (10:24)
Closing The Deal - Rules and Techniques (15:34)
Introduction to Account Management and Planning
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